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Shipped from the Netherlands.

If you are an organisation we offer bulk prices.

Contact email  notoxandfill@yahoo.com

Notox & Fill Extra Firm HA CE SAME AS MACROLANE VRF 20/VRF 30

for butt and breast augmentation.

VRF 20 / VRF 30 :
10ml 105 euro
20ml 210 euro
30ml 315 euro
40ml 420 euro


VRF20 and VRF 30 2ml seringes a 70 euro.

If you order 10 x 10 ml VRF 20 or VRF 30, the extra 2ml seringes on top of that order come for a lower price. 




Notox & Fill HA Ce certificated hyaluronated gel injectables 1ml 40 euro / 2 ml 70 euro with 2 needles. Deep derm, medium, fine lines.

The same as Restylane and Restylane Perlane and just as good



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